Publikace / Publications

Výběr z publikačních výstupů katedry od roku 2000 je uveden v následujícím seznamu:

Selected publications since 2000:

Autor (autoři)


Vazba na grant, doktorský studijní program (DSP) či diplomovou práci (DP)


Siwulski, M. – Budka, A. – Budzyńska, S. – Gąsecka, M. – Kalač, P. – Niedzielski, P. – Mleczek, M.

Mineral composition of traditional and organic-cultivated mushroom Lentinula edodes in Europe and Asia – Similar or different? LWT – Food Sci. Technol., 147, 2021, 111570

Mleczek, M. – Siwulski, M. – Budka, A. – Mleczek, P. – Budzyńska, S. – Szostek, M. – Kuczyńska-Kippen, N. – Kalač, P. – Niedzielski, P. - Gąsecka, M. – Goliński, P. – Magdziak, Z. – Rzymski, P.

Toxicological risks and nutritional value of wild edible mushroom species – a half-century monitoring study. Chemosphere, 263, 2021: 128095.
Samková, E. – Kalač, P.

Rapeseed supplements affect propitiously fatty acid composition of cow milk fat: A meta-analysis. Livest. Sci., 244, 2021: 104382.

Mleczek, M. - Gąsecka, M. – Budka, A. - Niedzielski, P. – Siwulski, M. – Kalač, P. – Mleczek, P. – Rzymski, P. Changes in mineral composition of six strains of Pleurotus after substrate modification with different share of nitrogen formy. Eur. Food Res. Technol., 247, 2021: 245-257.
Mleczek, M. – Budka, A. – Kalač, P.- Siwulski, M. – Niedzielski, P.

Family and species as determinants modulating mineral composition of selected wild-growing mushroom species. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 28, 2021: 389-404.

Matějková, K. – Křížek, M. Dadáková, E. – Vácha,F. – Pelikánová, T. Effects of monoacylglycerols and chitosan on the biogenic amine formation in the flesh of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Czech J. Food Sci., 38, 2020: 164-170.
Duborska, E.- Urik, M.- Šeda, M. Iodine Biofortification of Vegetables Could Improve Iodine Supplementation Status. Agronomy Basel,  10, 2020: 10101574.
Šíma, J.- Kobera, M.- Šeda, M.- Rokos, L.-  Vondruška, J.- Krejsa, J.- Svoboda, L. The three-year monitoring of 18 elements in five edible mushroom species collected from an old orchard. J.  Environ. Sci. Health B, 2020: 319–328. DSP
Matějková, K. – Křížek, M. Dadáková, E. – Vácha,F. – Pelikánová, T. Effects of monoacylglycerols and chitosan on the biogenic amine formation in the flesh of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Czech J. Food Sci., 38, 2020: 164-170.
Gąsecka, M. Magdziak, Z. Siwulski, M. Jasińska, A. Budzyńska, S., Rzymski, P. Kalač, P. Niedzielski, P. Pankiewicz, J. Mleczek, M. Effect of Thymus vulgaris post-extraction waste and spent coffee grounds on the quality of cultivated Pleurotus eryngii. J. Food Process. Preserv., 2020, 44:e14648.

Samková, E.- Špička, J.- Hanuš, O.- Roubal, P.- Fecová, L.- Hasoňová, L.- Smetana, P.- Klimešová, M.- Čítek, J.

Comparison of fatty acid proportions determined by mid-infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography in bulk and individual milk samples. Animals, 10: 2020, 1095.


Siwulski, M., Budka, A.- Rzymski, P.- Mleczek, P.- Budzyńska, S.- Gąsecka, M.- Szostek, M.- Kalač, P.- Kuczyńska-Kippen, N.- Niedzielski, P.- Goliński, P.- Magdziak, Z.- Kaniuczak, J.- Mleczek, M.

Multiannual monitoring (1974-2019) of rare earth elements in wild growing edible mushroom species in Polish forests.Chemosphere, 257, 2020: 127173.

Mleczek, M. – Budka, A. – Siwulski, M. – Mleczek, P. – Gąsecka, M. – Jasińska, A. – Kalač, P. – Sobieralski, K. – Niedzielski, P. – Proch, J. – Rzymski, P.

Investigation of differentiation of metal contents of Agaricus bisporus, Lentinula edodes and Pleurotus ostreatus sold commercially in Poland between 2009 and 2017. J. Food Compos. Anal., 90, 2020: 103488.


Siwulski, M. – Budka, A. – Rzymski, P. - Gąsecka, M. – Kalač, P. - Budzyńska, S. – Magdziak, S. - Niedzielski, P. – Mleczek, P. – Mleczek, M.

Worldwide basket survey of multielemental composition of white button mushroom Agaricus bisporus. Chemosphere, 239, 2020: 124718.


Štefanová, I. - Zápal, J. - Moos, M. - Kuzma, M. - Kubec, R.

Isoalliin-derived thiolanes formed in homogenized onion. J. Agric. Food Chem., 67, 2019: 9895−9906.


GAJU 112/2016/Z, GAJU 028/2019/Z
Siwulski, M. – Budzyńska, S. – Rzymski, P. – Gąsecka, M. – Niedzielski, P. – Kalač, P. – Mleczek, M.

The effects of germanium and selenium on growth, metalloid accumulation and ergosterol content in mushroom: experimental study in Pleurotus ostreatus and Ganoderma lucidum. Eur. Food Res. Technol., 245, 2019: 1799-1810.


Kalač, P. Mineral Composition and Radioactivity of Edible Mushrooms, Amsterdam, Elsevier/Academic Press, 2019, 392 pp., ISBN 9780128175651 (printed), 9780128176061 (eBook)
Šíma, J.-- Svoboda, L.- Šeda, M.- Krejsa, J.- Jahodová, J. The fate of selected heavy metals and arsenic in a constructed wetland. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 54, 2019: 56-64,
Šíma, J.- Vondruška, J.-- Svoboda, L.- Šeda, M.- Rokos, L. The accumulation of risk and essential elements in edible mushrooms Chlorophyllum rhacodes, Suillus grevillei, Imleria badia, and Xerocomellus chrysenteron growing in the Czech Republic. Chem. Biodiversity, 16, 2019.
Siwulski, M.- Rzymski, P.- Budka, A.- Kalač, P.- Budzyńska, S.- Dawidowicz, L. et al. The effect of different substrates on the growth of six cultivated mushroom species and composition of macro and trace elements in their fruiting bodies. Eur. Food Res. Technol., 245, 2019: 419-431.
Křížek, M.- Dadáková, E.- Vácha, F.- Pelikánová, T.- Matějková, K. The effects of two essential oil and UV-light irradiation treatments on the formation of biogenic amines in vacuum packed fillets of carp (Cyprinus carpio). Lwt-Food Sci. Technol., 95, 2018: 268-273. Czech Science Foundation 17-09594S
Rutkayová, J.- Voříšková, J.- Beneš, K.- Hasoňová, L.- Vácha, F.- Křížek, M.- Rost, M.- Jirotková, D.- Hanusová, L. The "Freshness" Objective Assessment of Carp Meat - Is It Appropriate to Use Freshness Meter? Chem. Listy, 112, 2018: 333-339. GAČR 17-09594S
Kubec, R.- Štefanová, I.- Moos, M.- Urajová, P.- Kuzma, M.- Zápal, J- Allithiolanes Nine groups of a newly discovered family of sulfur compounds responsible for the bitter off-taste of processed onion. J. Agric. Food Chem., 66, 2018: 8783−8794. GAJU 112/2016/Z, DSP
Kupcová, K.- Štefanová, I.- Plavcová, Z.- Hošek, J.- Hrouzek, P.- Kubec, R. Antimicrobial, cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant aktivity of culinary processed shiitake medicinal mushroom (Lentinus edodes, Agaricomycetes) and its major sulfur sensory-active compound − lenthionine. Int. J. Med. Mushr., 20, 2018: 165−175. GAJU 112/2016/Z, DSP

Šíma, J.- Tříska, J.- Svoboda, L.- Šeda, M.

Osud vybraných rizikových prvků v umělých mokřadech studovaný AAS a plamenovou fotometrií. Chem. Listy, 112, 2018: 191-195.

MŠMT v rámci programu NPU I, č. LO1415

Mleczek, M. – Siwulski, M. – Rzymski, P. – Budka, A.- Kalač, P. - Jasińska, A. – Gąsecka, M. – Budzyńska, S. - Niedzielski, P.

Comparison of elemental composition of mushroom Hypsizygus marmoreus originating from commercial production and experimental cultivation. Scientia Horticulturae, 236, 2018: 30-35.
Mleczek, M.- Rzymski, P.- Budka, A., Siwulski, M.- Jasińska, A.- Kalač, P.- Poniedziałek, B.- Gąsecka, M.- Niedzielski, P. Elemental characteristics of mushroom species cultivated in China and Poland. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 66, 2018: 168-178.
Dadáková, E.- Chmelová, Š. Flavonoidy – významné rostlinné antioxidanty. In :Pešek M.: Dietární antioxidanty v praxi. Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Pedagogická fakulta, České Budějovice 2017: 73-83. ISBN 978-80-7394-681- 4 GAJU 112/2016/Z
Kubec, R.- Curko, P.- Urajová, P.- Rubert, J.- Hajšlová, J. Allium discoloration: color compounds formed during greening of processed garlic. J. Agric. Food Chem., 65, 2017: 10615−10620. GAJU 112/2016/Z, DSP


Šeda, M.- Šíma, J.- Volavka, T.- Vondruška, J. Contamination of soils with Cu, Na and Hg due to the highway and railway transport, Eurasian J. Soil. Sci., 6, 2017: 59-64.
Šíma, J.- Svoboda, L.- Šeda, M.- Krejsa, J.- Jahodová, J. Removal of selected risk elements from wastewater in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland, Water Environ. J. 31, 2017: 486-491.
Křížek, M.- Dadáková, E.- Vácha, F.- Pelikánová, T. Comparison of the formation of biogenic amines in irradiated and smoked fish. European Food Research and Technology, 243, 2017: 1989-1995. GAČR 17-09594S
Kalač, P. Effects of Forage Feeding on Milk: Bioactive Compounds and Flavor. Elsevier / Academic Press, 2017, 248 pp. ISBN 978-0-12-811862-7
Siwulski, M.- Rzymski, P.- Niedzielski, P.- Budka, A.- Gąsecka, M.- Kalač, P.- Jasińska, A.- Budzyńska, S.- Kozak, L.- Mleczek, M. Comparison of multielemental composition of Polish and Chinese mushrooms (Ganoderma spp.). European Food Research and Technology, 243, 2017: 1555-1566.
Mleczek, M.- Siwulski, M.- Rzymski, P.- Budzyńska, S.- Gąsecka, M.- Kalač, P.- Niedzielski, P. Cultivation of mushrooms for production of food biofortified with lithium. European Food Research and Technology, 243, 2017: 1097-1104.
Rzymski, P.- Mleczek, M.- Siwulski, M- Jasińska, A.- Budka, A.- Niedzielski, P.- Kalač, P.- Gąsecka, M.- Budzyńska, S. Multielemental analysis of fruit bodies of three cultivated commercial Agaricus species. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 59, 2017: 170-178.
Angelova, R.,-Baldikova, E.- Pospiskova, K.- Safarikova, M.- Safarik, I. Magnetically modified sheaths of Leptothrix sp. as an adsorbent for Amido black 10B removal. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 427, 2017: 314-319. DSP
Baldikova, E.- Prochazkova, J.- Stepanek, M.- Hajduova, J.- Pospiskova, K.- Safarikova, M.- Safarik, I. PMAA-stabilized ferrofluid/chitosan/yeast composite for bioapplications. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 427, 2017: 29-33. DSP
Siwulski, M.- Mleczek, M.- Rzymski, P.- Budka, A.- Jasińska, A.- Niedzielski, P.- Kalač, P.- Gąsecka, M.- Budzyńska, S.- Mikołajczak, P. Screening the multi-element content of Pleurotus mushroom species using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES). Food Anal. Methods, 10, 2017: 487-496.
Ruiz-Capillas C., Herrero A. M., Tahmouzi S., Razavi S. H., Triki M., Rodriguez-Salas L., Samcová, K., Jimenez-Colmenero, F. Properties of reformulated hot dog sausage without added nitrites during chilled storage. Food Sci. Technol. Int., 22, 2016: 21-30. DSP
Šíma, J. Modern analytical chemistry in the contemporary world, Cult. Stud. of Sci. Educ., 11, 2016, 1269-1273.
Šíma, J.- Svoboda, L.- Pomijová- Z. Removal of selected metals from wastewater using a constructed wetland, Chem. Biodiversity, 13, 2016: 582-590.
Angelova, R.- Baldikova, E.- Pospiskova, K.- Maderova, Z.- Safarikova, M.- Safarik, I. Magnetically modified Sargassum horneri biomass as an adsorbent for organic dye removal. Journal of Cleaner Production,  137: 2016, 189-194. DSP
Safarik, I.- Baldikova, E.- Pospiskova, K.- Safarikova, M. Development of advanced biorefinery concepts using magnetically responsive materials. Biochemical Engineering Journal,  116: 2016, 17-26. DSP
Safarik, I.- Baldikova, E.- Pospiskova, K.- Safarikova, M. Magnetic modification of diamagnetic agglomerate forming powder materials. Particuology, 29, 2016: 169-171. DSP
Mleczek, M.- Magdziak, Z.- Gąsecka, M.- Niedzielski, P.- Kalač, P.- Siwulski, M.- Rzymski, P.- Zalicka, S.- Sobieralski, K. Content of selected elements and low-molecular-weight organic acids in fruiting bodies of edible mushroom Boletus badius (Fr.) Fr. from unpolluted and polluted areas. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 23, 2016: 20609-20618.
Mleczek, M.- Niedzielski, P.- Kalač, P.,- Budka, A.- Siwulski, M.- Gąsecka, M- Rzymski, P.- Magdziak, Z.- Sobieralski, K. Multielemental analysis of 20 mushroom species growing near a heavily trafficked road in Poland. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 23, 2016: 16280-16295.
Maderova, Z.- Baldikova, E.- Pospiskova K.- Safarik, I.- Safarikova, M. Removal of dyes by adsorption on magnetically modified activated sludge. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.13, 2016" 1653-1664. DSP
Safarik, I.- Pospiskova, K.- Baldiková, E.- Safariková, M. Magnetically responsive biological materials and their applications. Adv. Mater. Lett. 7(4), 2016: 254-261. DSP
Safarik, I.- Ashoura, N.- Maderova, Z.- Pospiskova, K.- Baldiková, E.- Safariková, M. Magnetically modified Posidonia oceanica biomass as an adsorbent for organic dyes removal. Mediterr. Mar. Sci.: 17(2), 2016, 351-358. DSP
Safarik, I.- Nydlova, L.- Pospiskova, K.- Baldikova, E.- Maderova, Z.- Safariková, M. Rapid determination of iron oxides content in magnetically modified particulate materials. Particuology 26, 2016: 114-117. DSP
Safarik, I.- Stepanek, M.- Uchman, M.- Slouf M.- Baldikova E.- Nydlova L.- Pospiskova K., Safarikova M. Composite particles formed by complexation of poly(methacrylic acid) - stabilized magnetic fluid with chitosan: Magnetic material for bioapplications. Mater. Sci. Eng. C, 67, 2016: 486-492. DSP
Kalač, P.

Edible Mushrooms. Chemical Composition and Nutritional Value. Elsevier / Academic Press, 2016, 236 pp. ISBN 978-0-12-804455-1

Chvalová, D. – Špička, J.

Identification of furan fatty acids in the lipids of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Food Chem. 200, 2016: 183-188.  DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.01.029

Mleczek, M. – Niedzielski, P. – Kalač, P. – Siwulski, M. – Rzymski, P. – Gąsecka, M. Levels of platinum group elements and rare-earth elements in wild mushroom species growing in Poland. Food Addit. Contam. A, 33(1), 2016: 86-94.
Jahodová, J.- Šíma, J. Rtuť v sedimentech vyplavených z údolní nádrže Jordán, Vodní hospodářství, 65,  2015, 9-11.
Šíma, J.- Krejsa, J.- Svoboda, L. Removal of mercury from wastewater using a constructed wetland, Croat. Chem. Acta, 88,  2015: 165-169.
Kubec, R.- Urajová, P.- Lacina, O.- Hajšlová, J.- Kuzma, M.- Zápal, O. Allium discoloration: color compounds formed during pinking of onion and leek. J. Agric. Food Chem., 63, 2015: 10192−10999. GAJU 058/2013/Z, DSP
Ranglová, K.- Krejčová, P.- Kubec, R. The effect of storage and processing on the antimicrobial aktivity of Tulbaghia violacea. S. Afr. J. Bot., 97, 2015: 159−163. GAJU 058/2013/Z, DSP
Křížek, M. – Matějková, K. Dadáková, E.  Špička, J.– Vácha, F. -  Vrchotová, N. Changes in the Content of Biogenic Amines and Fatty Acids in High Pressure–Processed Carp Flesh (Cyprinus carpio). J. Food Prot., 78 (8), 2015: 1592-1596.

DSP, GAČR P503/11/1417,  CENAKVACZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0024, CENAKVA II,


Samková, E. – Čertíková, J. – Špička, J. – Hanuš, O. – Pelikánová, T. – Kváč, M. Eighteen-carbon fatty acids in milk fat of Czech Fleckvieh and Holstein cows following feeding with fresh lucerne (Medicago sativa L.). Animal Science Papers and Reports, 32 (3), 2014: 209-218. NAZV QH 81210, MSM 6007665806
Krejčová, P. - Kučerová, P.- Stafford, G. I.- Jäger, A.- Kubec, R.-

Antiinflammatory and neurological activity of pyrithione and related sulfur-containing pyridine N-oxides from Persian shallot (Allium stipiatum). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 154, 2014: 176-182.

Šíma, J.- Havelka, M.- Diáková, K.

The Long-Term Study of the Surfactant Degradation in a Constructed Wetland. Tenside Surf. Det., 50, 2014: 340-345.

MSM 6007665801           GA AV KJB 601410502
Váchalová, R., Marešovám, I., Kolář, L., Váchal J., Tříska J. Lignocellulosic biorefinery for waste-free manufacturing of phytoestrogens belonging to lignans, sugars for bioproduction of ethanol and growing medium. Wood Res., 49: 2014, 593-604. DSP
Kalač, P. Health effects and occurrence of dietary polyamines: A review for the period 2005-mid 2013. Food Chem., 161, 2014: 27-39.  DOI: GA ČR P503/11/1417
Křížek, M. – Matějková, K. – Vácha, F. -  Dadáková, E.  Biogenic amine formation in high-pressure processed pike flesh (Esox lucius) during storage. Food Chem., 151, 2014: 466-471. GA ČR P503/11/1417,     GA JU 058/2013/Z, CENAKVA.CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0024 DSP
Chvalová, D.- Zdechovanová, L.- Vaněčková, H.-  Hodková, M. Brain norepinephrine identified by mass spectrometry is associated with reproductive status of females of the linden bug Pyrrhocoris apterus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, 168, 2014: 70-75.  DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpb.2013.11.003   GAČR: P502/10/1612    DSP




Holcová, V.- Šíma, J., - Dušek, J.

A comparison of fluorescein and deuterated water as tracers for determination of constructed wetland retention time. Cent. Eur. J.  Chem., 11, 2013: 200-204.

  MSM 6007665801
Šíma, J.- Pazderník, M.- Tříska, J.- Svoboda, L.

Degradation of surface-active compounds in a constructed wetland determined using high performance liquid chromatography and extraction spectrophotometry. J. Environ. Sci. Heal. A, 48, 2013: 559-567. DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2013.730453

  MSM 6007665801, CzechGlobe CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0073
Kubec, R.- Krejčová, P.- Mansur, L.- Garcia, N. Flavor precursors and sensory-active sulfur compounds in Alliaceae species native to South Africa and South America. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 61 (6), 2013: 1335-1342.  

GAJU 067/2010/Z

GAJU 068/2011/P


Samková, E.- Dadáková, E. – Pelikánová, T. Changes in biogenic amine and polyamine in smear-ripened cheeses during storage. Eur. Food Res. Technol., 237, 2013: 309-314.   DOI: 10.1007/s00217-013-1993-y  

MSM 6007665806          GA ČR P 503/11/1417

Kalač, P. Fresh and ensiled forages as a source of estrogenic equol in bovine milk: a review.  Czech J. Anim. Sci., 58, 2013: 296-303. 

MSM 6007665806

Matějková, K.- Křížek, M.- Vácha, F.- Dadáková, E.

Effect of high-pressure treatment on biogenic amines formation in vacuum-packed trout flesh (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Food Chem., 137,  2013: 31-36.


MSM 6007665806,  GAČR: P503/11/1417, CENAKVA CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0024 GAJU  047/2010/Z, GAJU 067/2010/Z,       DSP









Křížek, M.- Matějková, K.- Vácha, F.- Dadáková, E.

Effect of low-dose irradiation on biogenic amines formation in vacuum-packed trout flesh (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Food Chem., 132(1),  2012: 367-372.  10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.10.094


MSM 6007665806,  GAČR: P503/11/1417, NAZV QH71011, GAJU 067/2010/Z,       DSP

Smeds A.I., Češková I., Eklund P.C., Willför S.M. Identification of new lignans in Norway spruce knotwood extracts. Holzforschung, 66, 2012: 553-567.   DSP
Cady, N. C.- McKean, K. A.- Behnke, J.- Kubec, R.- Mosier, A. P.- Kasper, S. H.- Burz, D. S.- Musah, R. A. Inhibition of biofilm formation, quorum sensing and infection in Pseudomonas aeruginosa by natural products-inspired organosulfur compounds. PloS One,, 7 (6), 2012: e38492. (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0038492)    
Kalač, P. Carotenoids, ergosterol and tocopherols in fresh and preserved herbage and their transfer to bovine milk fat and adipose tissues: A review. J. Agrobiol., 29(1), 2012: 1-13. DOI 10.2478/v10146-012-0001-7 MSM 6007665806          OPVKCZ.1.07/2.3.00/09.0081
Kalač, P. A review of chemical composition and nutritional value of wild-growing and cultivated mushrooms. J. Sci. Food Agric., 93 (2), 2013: 209-218.   MSM 6007665806

Šeda, M.- Švehla, J.- Trávníček, J.- Kroupová, V.- Konečný, R.- Fiala, K.- Svozilová, M.- Krhovjaková, J.

The effect of volcanic activity of the Eyjafjallajokul volcano on iodine concentration in precipitation in the Czech Republic. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, 72, 2012: 279-281.

  MSM 6007665806                 

Frelich, J. –Šlachta, M. - Hanuš O. – Špička, J. - Samková, E. – Weglarz, A. – Zapletal, P.

Seasonal variation in fatty acid composition of cow milk in relation to the feeding system. Anim. Sci. Pap. Rep., 30(3), 2012: 219-229.


  MSM 6007665806                 

Samková, E. – Špička, J. – Pešek, M. – Pelikánová, T. – Hanuš, O.

Animal factors affecting fatty acid composition of cow milk fat: A review. South Afric. J. Anim. Sci., 42(2), 2012: 83-100.


  MSM 6007665806                  
Dadáková, E. – Pelikánová, T. – Kalač, P.

Contents of biologically active polyamines in duck meat and giblets after slaughter and their changes during meat storage and cooking. Food Res. Int., 48(1), 2012: 28-33. (DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2012.02.016).


MSM 6007665806          GA ČR P503/11/0417          
Kalač, P. Chemical composition and nutritional value of European species of wild growing mushrooms. In: Andres, S. & Baumann, N. (Eds): Mushrooms: Types, Properties and Nutrition. New York, Nova Sci. Publ., 2012, 129-152.


MSM 6007665806          
Kalač, P. Radioactivity of European wild growing edible mushrooms. In: Andres, S. & Baumann, N. (Eds): Mushrooms: Types, Properties and Nutrition. New York, Nova Sci. Publ., 2012, 215-230.


MSM 6007665806       

Dadáková, E. – Pelikánová, T. – Kalač, P.

Concentration of biologically active polyamines in rabbit meat, liver and kidney after slaughter and their changes during meat storage and cooking. Meat Sci., 90, 2012: 796-800 (DOI: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2011.11.017)


MSM 6007665806
Kalač, P. The required characteristics of ensiled crops used as a feedstock for biogas production: a review. J. Agrobiol., 28(2), 2011: 85-96. MSM 6007665806          
Šeda, M. – Švehla, J. – Trávníček, J., - Kroupvá, V. – Fiala, K. – Svozilová, M. Optimalizace stanovení stopových koncentrací jodu v povrchových vodách metodou ICP-MS. Chem. listy, 105(7), 2011: 538-541. MSM 6007665806          
Křížek, M.- Vácha, F.- Vejsada, P.- Pelikánová, T.

Formation of biogenic amines in fillets and minced flesh of three freshwater fish species stored at 3 °C and 15 °C. Acta vet. Brno, 80,  2011: 365-372.  (DOI: 10.2754/avb201180040365)


MSM 6007665806,  GAČR: P503/11/1417, NAZV QH71011, CENAKVA CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0024      

Dadáková, E.- Vrchotová, N.- Chmelová, Š.- Šerá, B.

The stability of rutin and chlorogenic acid during processing of black elder (Sambucus nigra L.) inflorescence. Acta Aliment., 40, 2011: 327-334.


MSM 6007665806     GAČR 525/05/2546      
Chval, Z.- Chvalová, D.- Leclerc, F.

Modeling the RNA 2´OH activation: possible roles of metal ion and nucleobase as catalysts in self-cleaving ribozymes. J. Phys. Chem. B, 115, 2011: 10943-10956. (DOI: 10.1021/jp200970d)

Kubec, R.- Krejčová, P.- Šimek, P.- Václavík, L.- Hajšlová, J.- Schraml, J. Precursors and formation of pyrithione and other pyridyl-containing sulfur compounds in drumstick onion, Allium stipitatum. J. Agric. Food Chem., 59, 2011: 5763-5770.  

GAJU 067/2010/Z

GAJU 028/2010/P



Horníčková, J.- Kubec, R.- Velíšek, J.- Cejpek, K.- Ovesná, J.- Stavělíková, H.

Changes of S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxide levels during the growth of different garlic morphotypes, Czech J. Food Sci., 29,  2011: 373-381.

He, Q.- Kubec, R.- Jadhav, A. P.- Musah, R. A.

First insights into the mode of action of a ‘‘lachrymatory factor synthase’’ – Implications for the mechanism of lachrymator formation in Petiveria alliacea, Allium cepa and Nectaroscordum species, Phytochemistry, 72, 2011: 1939-1946. (DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2011.07.013)

Kalač, P. The effects of feeding fresh forage and silage on some nutritional attributes of beef: an overview. J. Agrobiol., 28, 2011: 1-13. (DOI: 10.2478/v10146-011-0001-z) MSM 6007665806
Svoboda, L.- Kajliková, K.- Dadákova, E. Nové kapitoly internetové video-databáze chemických pokusů. Chem. Listy, 105, 2011:557.   DP
Schraml, J.- Kubec, R.- Kučerová, P. Determination of substitution sites in monosubstituted five-membered aromatic heterocycles. Magn. Reson. Chem., 49, 2011: 147-150. (DOI: 10.1002/mrc.2725)   MSM 6007665806      GAJU 067/2010/Z          DSP
Kučerová, P.- Kubec, R.- Šimek, P.- Václavík, L.- Schraml J.

Allium discoloration: The precursor and formation of the red pigment in giant onion (Allium giganteum Regel) and some other subgenus Melanocrommyum species. J. Agric. Food Chem., 59, 2011: 1821-1828. (DOI: 10.1021/jf104195k)

  MSM 6007665806      GAJU 067/2010/Z          DSP

Křížek, M.- Vácha, F.- Pelikánová, T.

Biogenic amines in carp roe (Cyprinus carpio) preserved by four different methods. Food Chem., 126, 2011: 1493-1497. (DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.12.040)


MSM 6007665806

Kalač, P.

The effects of silage feeding on some sensory and health attributes of cow´s milk: A review. Food Chem., 125, 2011: 307-317. (DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.08.077)


MSM 6007665806

Dadáková, E. – Pelikánová, T. – Kalač, P.

Concentration of biologically active polyamines in meat and liver of sheep and lambs after slaughter and their changes in mutton during storage and cooking. Meat Sci., 87, 2011: 111-116 (DOI: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2010.09.009)


MSM 6007665806





Vácha, F.- Křížek, M.-Bauer, Ch.- Diler, A.-Vejsada, P.- Zajíc, T.

Biogenic amines in mechanically separated and non-separated common carp (Cyprinus carpio) flesh. Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany, 46, č.2, 2010: 15-24.



Vymazal, J.- Švehla, J.-Kröpfelová, L. Němcová, J.- Suchý, V.

Heavy metals in sediments from constructed wetlands treating municipal wastewater. Biogeochemistry, 101, 2010: 335-356. (DOI: 10.1007/s10533-010-9504-8)

  MSM 6007665806
Vymazal, J.- Švehla, J.-Kröpfelová, L. Němcová, J.- Suchý, V. Can multiple harvest of aboveground biomass enhance removal of trace elements in constructed wetlands receiving municipal sewage? Ecol. Eng., 36, 2010: 939-945.   MSM 6007665806

Kalač, P.

The roles of dietary polyamines in human health and their occurrence in foods. In: Haghi, A.K (Ed.).: Advances in Food Science and Technology. New York, Nova Sci. Publ., 2010,  s. 91-112.


MSM 6007665806

Kalač, P.  - Samková, E.

The effects of  feeding various forages on fatty acid composition of bovine milk fat: A review. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 55, 2010: 521-537.


MSM 6007665806
Kubec, R. - Cody, R.B. - Dane, A.J. - Musah, R.A. - Schraml, J. - Vattekkatte, A. - Block, E. Applications of direct analysis in real time-mass spectrometry (DART-MS) in Allium chemistry. (Z)-Butanethial S-oxide and 1-butenyl thiosulfinates and their S-(E)-1-butenylcysteine S-oxide precursor from Allium siculum. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58, 2010: 1121−1128.


MSM 6007665806
Horníčková, J. - Kubec, R. - Cejpek, K. - Velíšek, J. - Ovesná, J. - Stavělíková, H. Profiles of S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides in various garlic genotypes. Czech J. Food Sci. 28, 2010: 298−308.


MSM 6007665806
Dadáková, E.- Kalinová, J Determination of quercetin glycosides and free quercetin in buckwheat by capillary micellar electrokinetic chromatography. J. Separ. Sci.,33, 2010: 1633–1638.


MSM 6007665806

Dadáková, E.- Vrchotová, N.- Tříska, J.

Content of selected biologically active compounds in tea infusions of   widely used European medicinal plants. J. Agrobiol., 27 (1), 2010: 27–34.


MSM 6007665806,

GACR 525/05/2546

Kalač, P.

Trace element contents in European species of wild growing edible mushrooms: A review for the period 2000–2009 Food Chem. 122, 2010: 2-15.  (DOI 10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.02.045).


MSM 6007665806
Samková, E.- Pešek, M.- Špička, J.Pelikánová, T.- Hanuš, O.

The effect of feeding diets markedly differing in the proportion of grass and maize silages on bovine milk fat composition. Czech J. Anim. Sci. 54, 2009: 93-100.

Kalinova, J., Dadakova, E.

Rutin and total kuercetin content in Amaranth (Amaranthus sp.). Plant Foods Human Nutr. 2009, 64, (1), 68-74.

Frelich, J.- Šlachta, M.- Hanuš, O- Špička, J.- Samková, E.

Fatty acid composition of cow milk fat produced on low-input mountain farms. Czech J. Anim. Sci. 54, 2009: 532-539.

Kubec, R.- Dadáková, E.

Quantitative determination of S-alk(en)ylcysteine S-oxides by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography.  J. Chrom. A. 1212, 2008: 154-157.DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2008.10.024

  OC123-COST 924,  OC126-COST 927
Kubec, R.- Dadáková, E.

Chromatographic methods for determination of S-substituted cysteine derivatives - a comparative study.  J. Chrom. A.  1216, 2009: 6957-6963. DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2009.08.032

  OC123 - COST 924,  MSM6007665806
Musah, R.A.- He, Q.- Kubec, R.

Discovery and characterization of a novel lachrymatory factor synthase in Petiveria alliacea and its influence on alliinase-mediated formation of biologically active organosulfur compounds. Plant Physiol.  151,  2009: 1294-1303. DOI:

Musah, R.A.- He, Q.- Kubec, R.- Jadhav, A.

Studies of a novel cysteine sulfoxide lyase from Petiveria alliacea: the first heteromeric alliinase. Plant Physiol. 151, 2009: 1304-1316. DOI:


Dadáková, E. -  Pelikánová, T.- Kalač, P.

Content of biogenic amines and polyamines in some species of European wild-growing edible mushrooms. Eur. Food Res. Technol. 230, 2009: 163-171. (DOI: 10.1007/s000217-009-1148-3)


MSM 6007665806

Pešek, M., Samková, E., Špička, J., Pelikánová, T.

Distribution of hypercholesterolemic fatty acids and atherogenic index in the milk fat of dairy cows. Milchwissenschaft, 64, 2009: 154-157.


MSM 6007665806

Křížek, M.

Biogenic amines in fish. In: Dandrifosse, G. (ed.): Biological Aspects of Biogenic Amines, Polyamines and Conjugates.  Transworld Research Network, Trivandrum, India, 2009, pp. 311-325.


MSM 6007665806

Kalač, P. - Glória, M.B.A.

Biogenic amines in cheeses, wines, beers and sauerkraut. In: Dandrifosse, G. (ed.): Biological Aspects of Biogenic Amines, Polyamines and Conjugates.  Transworld Research Network, Trivandrum, India, 2009, pp. 267-309.


MSM 6007665806

Kalač, P.

Recent advances in the research on biological roles of dietary polyamines in man.  J. Appl. Biomed., 7,  2009: 65-74.


MSM 6007665806

Chmelová, Š. - Tříska, J.- Růžičková, K.- Kalač, P.

Determination of aliphatic aldehydes in maize and grass silages using on-fibre derivatisation with O-(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluoro)benzylhydroxylamine. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 152, 2009: 152-160. (DOI: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci..2009.03.012)



Dadáková, E. - Křížek, M. - Pelikánová, T.

Determination of biogenic amines in foods using ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC). Food Chem. 116, 2009: 365-370. (DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.02.018.)


MSM 6007665806

Kozová, M.- Kalač, P.-  Pelikánová, T.

Contents of biologically active polyamines in chicken meat, liver, heart, and skin after slaughter and their changes during meat storage and cooking. Food Chem. 116, 2009: 419-425.  (DOI 10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.02.057).


MSM 6007665806, DSP
Vymazal, J.- Kröpfelová, L.- Švehla, J.- Chrastný, V.- Štíchová, J. Trace elements in Phragmites australis growing in constructed wetlands for treatment of municipal wastewater. Ecol Eng., 35, 2009 : 303-309.  (DOI 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2008.04.007)    
Chrastný, V.-- Komárek, M.- Hájek, T. Lead contamination  of an agricultural soil in the vicinity of a shooting range. Environ. Monit. Assess. 162, 2010: 37-46. (DOI 10.1007/s10661-009-0774-3)   MSM 6007665806

GAČR 526/09/P202

Vaněk, A.- Chrastný, V.-Mihaljevič, M.- Drahota, P.- Komárek, M. Lithogenic thallium behavior in soils with different land use. J. Geochem. Explor. 102, 2009: 7-12. (DOI 10.1016/j.gexplo.2008.10.004)   MSM 6007665806
Komárek, M.- Vaněk, A.-Chrastný, V.-Száková, J.- Kubová, K.- Drahota, P.- Balík, J. Retention of copper orginating from different fungicides in contrasting soil types. J. Hazard. Mater. 166, 2009: 1395-1402.  (DOI 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.12.061)   MSM 6007665806

Kozová, M.- Kalač, P.-  Pelikánová, T.

Changes in the content of biologically active polyamines during beef loin storage and cooking.Meat Sci. 84, 2009: 607-611. (DOI 10.1016/j.meatsci.2008.10.018).


MSM 6007665806, DSP

Chmelová, Š.- Tříska, J.- Růžičková, K.- Kalač, P.

Stanovení těkavých látek v travních a kukuřičných silážích mikroextrakcí na pevné fázi a plynovou chromatografií s hmotnostně-spektrometrickou detekcí. Chem. Listy. 102, 2008: 1138-1144.



Komárek, M.- Száková, J.- Rohošková, M.- Javorská, H.- Chrastný, V.- Balík, J.

Copper contamination of vineyard soils from small wine producers: A case study from the Czech Republic. Geoderma. 147, 2008: 16-22. (DOI 10.1016/j.geoderma.2008.07.001)


MSM 6007665806

Kalač, P.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of European species of wild growing mushrooms: A review. Food Chem., 113, 2009: 9-16. (DOI 10.1016/j.foodchem.2008.07.077)



Kalač, P.

Houby - víme, co jíme ? DONA, České Budějovice, 114 s., 2008. ( ISBN 978-80-7322-112-6)



Pešek, M.- Samková, E.-  Špička, J.

Evaluation of changes in the content of adverse saturated fatty acids in cow milk with a view to optimising the composition of milk fat. Milchwissenschaft, 63, 2008: 33-36.


MSM 6007665806

Kozová, M.- Kalač, P.-  Pelikánová, T.

Biologically active polyamines in pig kidneys and spleen: Content after slaughter and changes during cold storage and cooking. Meat Sci., 79, 2008: 326-331.(DOI 10.1016/j.meatsci.2007.10.013).


MSM 6007665806

Komárek, M.- Ettler, V.- Chrastný, V.- Mihaljevič, M.

Lead isotopes in environmental sciences: A review. Environ. Intern., 34, 2008: 526-577. (DOI 10.1016/j.envint.2007.10.05).


MSM 6007665806

Mihaljevič, M.- Zuna, M.-Ettler, V.- Chrastný, V. - Šebek, O.- Strnad, L.- Kyncl, T.

A comparison of tree rings and peat deposit geochemical archives in the vicinity of a lead smelter. Water Air Soil Pollut., 188, 2008: 311-321.  (DOI 10.1007/s11270-007-9546-2).



Chrastný, V. - Komárek, M.- Jírovcová, E.- Štíchová J.

A critical evaluation of the 0.05 M EDTA extraction of Pb from forest soils. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. , 88, 2008: 385-396. (DOI 10.1080/03067310701744283).


MSM 6007665806

Nováčková, J.- Fiala, P.- Chrastný, V. - Svoboda, L.- Kalač, P.

Contents of mercury, cadmium and lead in edible mushrooms and underlying substrates from rural area with an occurrence of serpentines and amphiboles. Ekológia (Bratislava), 26, 2007: 322-329.


GAČR  525/03/D067,


Svoboda, L.- Chrastný, V.

Levels of eight trace elements in edible mushrooms from a rural area. Food Addit. Contam., 25, 2008: 51-58. (DOI 10.1080/02652030701458519).


GAČR  525/03/D067,

MSM 6007665806

Šafařík, I.- Rego, L.F.T.- Borovská, M.- Mosiniewicz-Szablewska, E.- Weyda, F.- Šafaříková M.

New magnetically responsive yeast-based biosorbent for the efficient removal of water-soluble dyes. Enzyme Microb. Technol., 40, 2007: 1551-1556.



Krausová, P. - Kalač, P. - Křížek, M. - Pelikánová, T.

Changes in the content of biologically active polyamines during storage and cooking of pig liver. Meat Sci., 77, 2007: 269-274. (DOI 10.1006/ j.meat sci.. 2007.03.011)


MSM 6007665806/2/6,
Krausová, P. - Kalač, P. - Křížek, M. - Pelikánová, T. Changes in the content of biologically active polyamines during pork loin storage and culinary treatments. Eur. Food Res. Technol., 226, 2008: 1007-1012. (DOI 10.1007/ s0021-007-0625-9)  
MSM 6007665806/2/6,
Kubec, R., Velíšek, J. Allium discoloration: The color-forming potential og individual thiosulfinates and amino acids: structural requirements for the color-developing precursors, J. Agric. Food Chem., 55, 2007:3491-3497.   OC126- COST 927
Svoboda, L. Internetová video-databáze chemických pokusů, Chem. Listy, 101, 2007:349.   DP

Vymazal, J.- Švehla, J. - Kröpfelová, L.- Chrastný, V.

Trace metals in Phragmites australis and Phalaris aurundinaceae growing in constructed and natural wetlands, Sci. Total Environ., 380, 2007: 154-162. (DOI 10.1006/ j.scitotenv.2007.01.057)


MSM 6007665806

Komárek, M.-  Chrastný, V. - Štíchová J.

Metal/metalloid contamination and isotopic composition of lead in edible mushrooms and forest soils originating from a smelting area, Environ. Intern., 33, 2007: 677-684. (DOI 10.1006/ j.envint.2007.02.001)


MSM 6007665806

Komárek, M.- Tlustoš, P.-Száková, J.- Chrastný, V.

The use of poplar during a two-year induced phytoextraction of metals from contaminated agricultural soils, Environ. Pollut., 151, 2008: 27-38. (DOI 10.1016/j.envpol.2007.03.010)



Komárek, M.- Tlustoš, P.-Száková, J.- Chrastný, V.

The role of chloride salts in chemically enhanced phytoextraction of heavy metals from a contaminated agricultural soil, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 78, 2007: 166-170. (DOI 10.1007/s00128-007-9029-6)



Komárek, M.- Tlustoš, P.-Száková, J.- Chrastný, V.- Balík, J.

The role of Fe- and Mn-oxides during EDTA-enhanced phytoextraction of heavy metals, Plant Soil Environ, 53, 2007:216-224.



Komárek, M.- Tlustoš, P.-Száková, J.- Chrastný, V.- Ettler, V.

The use of maize and poplar in chelant-enhanced phytoextraction of lead from contaminated agricultural soils, Chemosphere, 67, 2007: 640-651. (DOI 10.1016j.chemosphere.2006.11.010)



Kalinová, J.- Dadáková, E.

Varietal and year variation of rutin content in common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench),  Cereal Res. Commun., 34, 2006: 1315-1321.


 MSM 6007665806

Vácha,F.-Novik,I.- Špička, J., Podola, M.

Determination of the effect of microbial transglutaminase on technological properties  of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) meat,  Czech J. Anim. Sci., 51, 2006: 535-542.


 MSM 6007665809

Kordiovská, P.- Vorlová, L.- Borkovcová, I.- Karpíšková, R.- Buchtová, H.- Svobodová, Z.- Křížek, M.- Vácha, F.

The dynamics of biogenic amine formation in muscle tissue of carp (Cyprinus carpio),  Czech J. Anim. Sci., 51, 2006: 262-270.


 MSM 6215712402

Kalač, P. - Špička, J.

Složení lipidů sladkovodních ryb a jejich význam v lidské výživě. Jihočeská univerzita v Č. Budějovicích, Zemědělská fakulta, 2006, 57 s.


  MSM 6007665806/2/6

Chrastný, V.- Komárek, M. Tlustoš, P.- Švehla, J.

Effects of flooding on lead and cadmium speciation in sediments from a drinking water reservoir. Environ. Monitor. Assess., 118, 2006: 113-123 (DOI 10.1007/s10661-006-0801-6)



Elhottová, D.- Krištůfek, V.- Tříska, J.- Chrastný, V.- Uhlířová, E. Kalčík, J.- Picek, T.

Immediate impact of the flood (Bohemia, August 2002) on selected soil characteristics. Water Air  Soil Pollut., 173, 2006: 177-193 (DOI 10.1007/s11270-005-9054-1)



Komárek, M.- Chrastný, V. - Ettler, V. - Tlustoš, P.

Evaluation of extraction / digestion techniques used to determine lead isotopic composition in forest soil. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 385, 2006: 1109-1115 (DOI 10.1007/s00216-006-0543-x)


MSM 6007665806,

Chrastný, V. - Komárek, M. - Mihaljevič, M. - Štíchová, J.

Vanadium determination in chloride matrices using ICP-MS: finding the optimum collision/reaction cell parameters for suppressing polyatomic interferences. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 385, 2006: 962-970. (DOI 10.1007/s00216-006-0478-2)


MSM 6007665806,

Krausová, P. - Kalač, P. - Křížek, M. - Pelikánová, T.

Content of polyamines in beef and pork after animal slaughtering. Eur. Food Res. Technol., 223, 2006: 321-324.


MSM 6007665806/2/6,
 COST 922,

Krausová, P. - Kalač, P. - Křížek, M. - Pelikánová, T.

Content of biologically active polyamines in livers of cattle, pigs and chicken after animal slaughter. Meat Sci., 73, 2006: 640-644.


  MSM 6007665806/2/6,
 COST 922,

Pešek, M. - Samková, E. - Špička, J.

Fatty acids and composition of their important groups in milk fat of Czech Pied cattle. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 51, 2006: 181-188.


  MSM 6007665806/2/6

Kim, S.- Kubec, R. -Musah, R.A.

Antibacterial and antifungal activity of sulfur-containing compounds from Petiveria alliacea; J. Ethnopharm. 104, 2006: 188-192



Kubec, R. - Musah, R.A.

Gamma-Glutamyl dipeptides in Petiveria alliacea; Phytochemistry 66, 2005: 2494-2497



Koštál V.- Yanagimoto, M.- Bastl, J.

Chilling-injury and disturbance of ion homeostasis in the coxal muscle of the tropical cockroach (Nauphoeta cinerea). Compar. Bioch Physiol., Part B, 143, 2006:171-179.



Svoboda, L.-Havlíčková, B.-Kalač, P.

Contents of cadmium, mercury and lead in edible mushrooms growing in a historical silver-mining area. Food Chem., 96, 2006:580-585.


  GAČR 525/03/D067

Mihaljevič, M.-Ettler, V.-Šebek, O.-Strnad, L.-Chrastný, V.

Lead isotopic signatures of wine and vineyard soils - tracers of lead origin, J. Geochem. Explor. 88, 2006:130-133.



Kalač P.

Biologically active polyamines in beef, pork and meat products: A review, Meat Sci., 73, 2006: 1-11.


  MSM 6007665806/2/6

Pešek, M- Špička, J- Samková, E

Comparison of fatty acid composition in milk fat of Czech Pied cattle and Holstein cattle. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 50 , 2005: 122-128


  MSM 122200002

Kalač, P.- Krausová P.

A rewiew of dietary polyamines : Formation, implications for growth and health and occurrence in foods. Food Chem., 90, 2005: 219-230.

COST 922, GAČR 525/02/1077, DSP

Kalač, P.- Křížek,M.-Pelikánová, T.-Langová, M.-Veškrna,V.

Contents of polyamines in selected food. Food Chem., 90, 2005: 561-564


GAČR 525/02/1077, COST 922, DSP, DP

Maršálek, P.-Svobodová, Z.-Randák, T.-Švehla, J.

Mercury and methylmercury contamination of fish from the Skalka reservoir. A case study. Acta Vet. Brno, 74, 2005: 427-434.



Koštál, V.-Vambera, J.-Bastl, J.

On the nature of pre-freeze mortality in insects: water balance, ion homeostasis and energy charge in the adults of Pyrrhocris apterus. J. Exper. Biol. 207, 2004: 1509-1521



Steidlová, Š. - Kalač, P.

The effects of lactic acid bacteria inoculants and formic acid on the formation of biogenic amines in grass silages. Arch. Anim. Nutr. 58, 2004: 245-254


GAČR 525/02/1077, DSP

Křížek,M.- Vácha, F.- Vorlová, L.- Lukášová, J.- Cupáková, Š.

Biogenic amines in vacuum-packed and non-vacuum-packed flesh of carp stored at different temperatures. Food Chem., 88, 2004: 185-191


GAČR 525/02/1077, COST 922, DSP, MSM 122200002

Kalač,P.- Svoboda,L.- Havlíčková,B.

Contents of detrimental metals mercury, cadmium and lead in wild growing edible mushrooms: a review. Energy.Educ.Sci.Technol., 13, 2004: 31-38

GAČR 525/03/D067

Kalač,P.- Svoboda,L.- Havlíčková,B.

Contents of cadmium and mercury in edible mushrooms. J.Appl.Biomed., 2, 2004: 15-20

GAČR 525/03/D067

Křížek,M.- Vácha,F.- Vorlová,L.- Lukášová,J.

Amines in vacuum packed fresh water fish. In: Health implications of dietary amines. Barcelona, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 2003, s.20.


COST 922,

Linhart, O.-Mims, S.D.-Gomelsky, B.-Hiott, A.E.-Shelton, W.L.-Cosson, J.-Rodina,M.-Gela,D.-Bastl, J.

Ionic composition and osmolality of paddlefish (Polyodon spathula, Acipenseriformes) seminal fluid. Aquaculture Int., 11, 2003: 357-368.



Dadáková,E.- Vrchotová,N.- Tříska,J.- Kyseláková, M.

Stanovení volného a celkového kvercetinu v moravských červených vínech. Chem.Listy, 97, 2003: 558-561.


MSM 122200002, DSP

Špička,J.- Svoboda,L.- Janoušková, D.

Stanovení CH3Hg skupin v rybím mase metodou HPLC s UV detekcí. Chem.Listy, 97, 2003: 1024-1026.


FRVŠ 0173/1999, DSP

A review of biogenic amines and polyamines in beer. J.Inst.Brew., 109, 2003: 123-128.

COST 922, GAČR 525/02/1077
The microbiology and shelf-life of carp fillets stored in different conditions. Folia Veter., 47, 2003 (2):74-79.


GAČR 525/02/1077

Steidlová, Š. - Kalač, P.

The effects of using lactic acid bacteria inoculants in maize silage on the formation of biogenic amines. Arch. Anim. Nutr., 57, 2003: 359-368.


GAČR 525/02/1077, DSP
Kalač, P.
Funkční potraviny - kroky ke zdraví. DONA, Č.Budějovice, 2003, 130 s. 



Svoboda, L. - Kalač, P.

Contamination of two edible Agaricus spp. mushrooms growing in a town with cadmium, lead, and mercury. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 71, 2003: 123-130.


Křížek,M.- Pavlíček,T.- Vácha,F.

Formation of selected biogenic amines in carp meat. J.Sci.Food Agric., 82, 2002: 1088-1093.

COST 917, MSM 122200002

Kalač, P. - Švecová, S. - Pelikánová, T.

Levels of biogenic amines in typical vegetable products. Food Chem., 77, 2002: 349-351. 

 COST 917

Svoboda, L . - Kalač, P. - Špička, J. - Janoušková, D.

Leaching of cadmium, lead and mercury from fresh and differently preserved edible mushrooms, Xerocomus badius, during soaking and boiling. Food Chem., 79, 2002: 41-45. 


Kalač, P. - Šavel, J. - Křížek, M. - Pelikánová, T. - Prokopová, M.

Biogenic amines formation in bottled beer. Food Chem., 79, 2002: 431-434.

COST 917

Steidlová, Š. - Kalač, P.

Levels of biogenic amines in maize silages. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 102, 2002: 197-205.


Špička, J. - Kalač, P. - Bover-Cid, S. - Křížek, M.

Application of lactic acid bacteria starter cultures for decreasing the biogenic amine levels in sauerkraut. Eur. Food Res. Technol., 215, 2002: 509-514.

COST 917

Dadáková,E.- Procházková, E.- Křížek, M.

Application of micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography for quantitative analysis of quercetin in plant materials. Electrophoresis, 22, 2001: 1573-1578.


COST 917, MSM 122200002

Zimmermannová, K. - Svoboda, L. - Kalač, P.

Mercury, cadmium, lead and copper contents in fruiting bodies of selected mushrooms in contaminated Middle Spiš region, Slovakia. Ekológia (Bratislava), 20, 2001: 440-446.



Kalač, P.

A review of edible mushroom radioactivity. Food Chem., 75, 2001: 29-35.


Křížek,M.- Pavlíček,T.- Vácha,F.

Biogenní aminy jako indikátory rozkladu kapřího masa. Chem.Listy, 94, 2000: 818-821.



Jírovcová,E.- Sákra,T.

Využití diferenčních měření povrchových tlaků pro porovnání adsorptivního chování hydrochinonu a p-benzochinonu. Chem.Listy, 94, 2000: 1113-1114


FRVŠ F4-0333

Kalač, P. - Špička, J. - Křížek, M. - Pelikánová, T.

Changes in biogenic amine concentrations during sauerkraut storage. Food Chem., 69, 2000, č. 3, s. 309-314

GAČR 203/96/0316, COST 917

Svoboda, L. - Zimmermannová, K. - Kalač, P.

Concentrations of mercury, cadmium, lead and copper in fruiting bodies of edible mushrooms in an emission area of a copper smelter and a mercury smelter. Sci. Total Environ., 246, 2000: 61-67.


Kalač, P. - Svoboda, L.

A review of trace element concentrations in edible mushrooms. Food Chem., 69, 2000: 273-281


Kalač, P. - Špička, J.- Křížek, M. - Pelikánová, T.

The effect of lactic acid bacteria inoculants on biogenic amines formation in sauerkraut. Food Chem., 70, 2000: 355-359.

GAČR 203/96/0316, COST 917


28.5. 2021